1. Is there a way to extract Entity Locked / Unlocked status in HFM through a SQL Query?

    • Hi,
      Thanks for the comment. I would check, but unfortunately, I do not have access to an HFM environment at the moment.

      • BTW. Very informative blog. Thanks for yr feedback Vijay. I tried looking through the Entiry_Item and security tables but did not find a reference. Any assistance would be helpful.

        • Ok, I had a chance to take a look. You need to look in the app_name_ICT_ENTITIES table. Here, you will see all the locked entities. When STATUS = 1, that means the entity is locked. If it’s 2, it’s unlocked. You will need to link back to the HFM_ENTITY_ITEM table to get the name of the entity. Hope that helps.

          • Thanks for your feedback Vijay. Much appreciated!! I will test and get back on this. Do u also happen to know which table would store the current open period year and scenario in HFM – so we can figure out which ENTITY for the current open period/year and scenario is locked or unlocked?

          • Actually, I haven’t figured out how to translate the period code yet, as it’s using some weird number formatting. The scenario link is easy as you can refer back to the [app_name]_SCENARIO_ITEM table.

          • Thanks Vijay.. I did get a chance to test it and found that the table columns should have the relevant information – but this table is empty even though we have entities that are locked in HFM.. Thoughts?

          • That’s strange…it worked for me. Unless there are other tables that I somehow missed. Those are the Intercompany tables, as far as I know. Have you checked the right application? IF you have multiple apps, they will all get stored in the same schema (same names, but prefixed with the different app names).

          • Yes I did reference the app name as prefix to look at the data within the ICT_ENTITITES table but it has no data. We do hv multiple apps and each app prefix exists on the table names. Thank you again for your help and looking into this

  2. Very informative. Also how do you get information about isPrimary and #root from these tables.


    • Hello,
      Thanks. IsPrimary and #root come from the EPMA repository, not the HFM repository. So, you won’t find that here.

  3. Hello,

    Am trying to encode Custom1ID and Custom2ID. Could you please give the logic and formula for them

  4. thank you Vijay for this information and all the SQL’s – one thing that I did not find with your post was how to link the custom dimensions to the DCE tables — here is the sql to accomplish it

    select c1.label as C1,
    c2.label as C2,
    c3.label as C3,
    c4.label as C4,
    d. *
    select bitand (t.lcustom1, to_number (‘00000000ffffffff’, ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’)) as C1id,
    bitand (t.lcustom1, to_number (‘ffffffff00000000’, ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’)) / to_number (‘000000100000000’, ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’) as C2id,
    bitand (t.lcustom2, to_number (‘00000000ffffffff’, ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’)) as C3id,
    bitand (t.lcustom2, to_number (‘ffffffff00000000’, ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’)) / to_number (‘000000100000000’, ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’) as C4id,
    t. *
    from hfm_DCE_2_2016 t
    ) D,
    (Select ci. * From hfm_custom_item ci, hfm_custom_header ch
    where ci.ldimid = ch.ldimid and ch.treelabel = ‘Custom1’) c1,
    (Select ci. * From hfm_custom_item ci, hfm_custom_header ch
    where ci.ldimid = ch.ldimid and ch.treelabel = ‘Custom2’) c2,
    (Select ci. * From hfm_custom_item ci, hfm_custom_header ch
    where ci.ldimid = ch.ldimid and ch.treelabel = ‘Custom3’) c3,
    (Select ci. * From hfm_custom_item ci, hfm_custom_header ch
    where ci.ldimid = ch.ldimid and ch.treelabel = ‘Custom4’) c4
    d.C1id = c1.itemid and
    d.C2id = c2.itemid and
    d.C3id = c3.itemid and
    d.C4id = c4.itemid

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